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Marathon, Salamis, Arbeles, Cannae, Alesia, Actium

Middle Ages

Poitiers, Hastings, Bouvines, Crecy, Grunwald, Agincourt, Orleans, Constantinople

1501 -1800

Marignano, Lepanto, Spanish Armada, Rocroi, Vienna, Fontenoy, Plassey, Quebec

Napoléon Bonaparte

Pyramids, Trafalgar, Austerlitz, Jena, Leipzig, Waterloo

End of 19th Century

Gettysburg, Civil War, Sadowa, Koniggratz, Sedan, Spanish-American War

1901-1914 and WWI

Tsushima, Tannenberg, Marne, Verdun, Passchendaele

World War II

Battle of Britain, Pearl Harbor, Midway, El Alamein, Dieppe, Stalingrad, Normandy

1950 - 2000

Korean War, Dien Bien Phu, Sinai, Khe Sanh, Saigon, Gulf War, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Post 9/11

War against terrorism, War in Iraq, Operations Telic, Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom

Historical Leaders

Most influential leaders

Women Leaders

Women who changed
the world

The Papacy

List of Popes since St. Peter

Great Battles of History

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Great Battles of History © MMXXII
Robert Radford, M.A.